Help us in our mission

Why donate?

1. We can organize a cross-border journalism project with social impact: Do you want to fund a cross-border journalism project in your area, country or community? Share your idea with us by writing to and we can make it happen!
See an example of a relevant project: Sisters of Europe: A cross-border media project to inspire and motivate women.

2. We want to democratize Data Journalism – data analysis: We bring together data analysts, software engineers, statisticians and technology enthusiasts with the goal to help journalists over data analysis and computation.
Your donation will make sure we can continue to building free technological tools for journalists like A+Ω.

How to donate

You can donate by making a bank transfer at:

OIKOMINTIA AMKE (name as written in Greek)

Bank Name: National Bank of Greece

IBAN: GR 96 0110 6660 0000 6660 0357 009



If you want your organization or your profile to be displayed in our donor’s section please contact us at

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